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Frequently asked questions about BMW – together with their answers.
[@ NSC: Please adapt content to your local needs and prerequisites] Would you like to know more about BMW? Visit a BMW plant? Or set out on your career with BMW Austria? Here you can obtain the answers, links and contact data.
I have a technically based education and would like to work for BMW in Austria.
We appreciate your interest in BMW. Please send your full application details to:
BMW Motoren GmbH
Personnel Management
Hinterbergerstrasse 2
4400 Steyr
E-mail: personal@bmw.co.at
Tel.: +43 (0)7252 888-3203I would like to apply for a job with BMW Austria GmbH.
We appreciate your interest in BMW. Please send your full application details to:
BMW Austria Ges.m.b.H.
Personnel Management
Siegfried-Marcus-Strasse 24
5020 Salzburg
E-mail: karriere@bmwgroup.at
Tel.: +43 (0)662 83 83-7704
Tel.: +43 (0)662 83 83-7703I would like to work as a test driver for BMW.
Unfortunately, the BMW distribution company for Austria does not have a technical development department nor is it involved in BMW motorsport activities. We therefore recommend that you contact BMW AG in Munich directly at Petuelring 130, D-80788 München.
What is the residual value of my vehicle?
Unfortunately, we cannot assess the residual value of your vehicle with the required technical accuracy on the telephone or via the internet. You should therefore contact your BMW dealer. Vehicle valuation is available on the internet through Eurotax. A fee is levied for this service. You can obtain further information on the website www.eurotaxglass.at.
Can I order a BMW Owner’s Manual at a later date? And is this also possible if I have an older BMW car or motorcycle?
Please contact your BMW dealer, who will be able to order the required Owner’s Manual for you.
I would like to sell my vehicle and have it included with the models offered in the BMW Group Börse.
The BMW Group Börse is a service for exchanging preowned vehicles offered exclusively by the Austrian BMW trading organisation. For this reason, we regret that it is not possible to include your vehicle directly amongst the models offered for sale on the Börse. However, your local BMW dealer will be able to do this for you.
If you have any questions regarding your BMW dealer, simple call us on the following toll-free telephone number: 0800 215 555. We’ll be happy to assist.Where can I obtain information on the equipment and prices of older BMW cars that are no longer included in the current range?
The BMW head office in Austria does not have an archive with information on older BMW models. However, the BMW partners will be glad to help you with more detailed information.
You can request general information and brochures on BMW classic cars and older BMW models from the BMW Mobile Tradition department of BMW AG in Munich. Further information is available on the phone number +49 1805 235 353 and from the e-mail address classic@bmwgroup.com.
On the BMW Austria website, too, we offer you information on the subject of BMW Mobile Tradition in the section “BMW Insights” under “History and Tradition” and “Mobile Tradition”.Where can I obtain information and tickets for BMW Welt and other BMW establishments in Munich?
You can obtain tickets for BMW Welt, the BMW Museum or a BMW Plant Tour at the Munich site and information for visitors from the BMW Welt information service by phoning +49 1802 118822 and by sending an e-mail to infowelt@bmw-welt.com.
How and where can I visit a BMW plant in Austria?
Plant Tours are possible at BMW Motoren in Steyr, from Tuesday to Thursday. Please register for a Plant Tour on the website directly at www.bmw-werk-steyr.at.
How and where can I visit a BMW plant in Germany?
At: www.bmwgroup.com - Production – Production worldwide – Plant Tours you can obtain all the information on BMW Plant Tours, both in Germany and worldwide. Please contact our BMW plants directly via the contact details on their respective homepages. Because of the high demand, we recommend that you register well in advance.
In Germany:
www. bmw-werk-muenchen.de (In this case, tickets can be ordered via the BMW Welt Info Service)
BMW Infoservice
Tel.: +49 1802 118 822
E-mail: infowelt@bmw-welt.comWhere can I obtain information on the chip tuning of BMW models?
Please note that chip tuning does not have the approval of BMW AG in Munich. In the event of a defect caused by chip tuning, BMW AG will not assume any guarantee for any part of the drive train (engine, transmission, rear axle, etc.).
I would like to test a BMW extensively. Is it possible to have a test drive over an entire weekend?
Unfortunately, we cannot promise you any test drives over a lengthy period of time. Please contact an authorised BMW dealer of your choice. There you can discuss with the dealer whether it will be possible to provide you with a BMW model for a certain period of time and what the conditions will be.
Where can I obtain information on the history of BMW?
At www.bmw.at/geschichte (or in the section “BMW Insights” under “History and Tradition”) you will be able to find information on the history of BMW, which dates back more than 80 years.
In addition to this, you can order various book editions online at BMW Mobile Tradition. Here you will find a number of specialists authors who have put together unique documentary records of German engineering expertise with meticulous attention to detail.
You can find more information on this at www.bmw.at/mobiletradition (or in the section “BMW Insights” under “History and Traditon” and “Mobile Tradition”).What number do I call if my car should break down?
In Austria you can contact the BMW emergency service around the clock on the number 0800/215 399.Outside of Austria, you can dial the following German number, omitting the international code of (+49) if you are actually in Germany: +49 (0)89 260 9909.
Where can I obtain detailed information on the BWM Valvetronic technology?
The term Valvetronic summarises two functions. Firstly, the variable valve timing adjustment on the camshaft positions for intake and exhaust valves, known by the name of double-Vanos. Secondly, the performance control via variable lift on the intake valves.
The valve lift is adjusted smoothly from 0.3 millimetres to as much as 9.5 millimetres and thus fulfils the function previously performed by a throttle butterfly. Control and monitoring is the task of the engine management unit. The advantage is a twelve per cent reduction in fuel consumption, more power and torque.
You can find answers to further technical questions in our BMW Technology Guide at www.bmw.at/techniklexikon, also available in the “BMW Insights” section under “Technology and Innovation” and “Technology Guide”.